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Your time is now queen

You're the type of woman who has the sound up on your phone as  it is going crazy with payment notification after notification flooding into your inbox during your latest launch.

You're NOW the type of woman who wakes up to dream messages from your followers and clients saying; 'OMG! You have changed my business forever!'

You've NOW reached the level of overflow where you can  truly buy anything you desire… the 5* overwater villa holidays, the luxury bags, the trips to pilgrimages, the private land to sustain you and your family  or the spare cash to renovate your home into your DREAM space. 

This GETS to be you, when you embody the energy of money in a new, empowering way for your life and business that not just excites you, but is deeply fulfilling spiritually too.

‘Cha ching cha ching’

Hit $20k months in their business

Navigated the highs and lows of life and still made money in their business

Increased their prices to high 4 figures and sold

Sold out programs after months of not selling

Released generational scarcity blocks and outearned family

I'm Jamila


I went from being anxious, afraid and stressed around money to feeling deeply relaxed with money, satisfied and secure with the sales coming into my business, feeling deeply supported by money, deepening and my relationship with God who I know is guiding me to my fullest desires, and making more in year 1 of my business than in my 9-5. in 1 year of starting my business.

I’ve helped hundreds of women reclaim their God- given confidence to take their next step in creating a business or, amplifying their current success in their business with a somatic and subconscious approach.

I support women in  elevating their worthiness and support them with the deep healing they need to attract money, clients, and success in every area of their life

You know you don't have to fit in some sort of box in your business, pricing, or strategy that limits your fullest creative expression in order to hit those 10K, 20K, or 30K+ months you desire.

And I get it…You’re probably hustling hard in life and in your business for more money, working those crazy long 8 plus hour days to push out that next launch or clock those overtime hours, all while, , juggling kids, your spirituality, your relationship, and YOUR work / business. It all just feels….impossible to manage.

Girl, money isn’t supposed to feel this way. 

In fact, money is COMPLETELY neutral and earning more of it is a matter of clearing your generational money patterning– but it’s YOUR emotion that attaches meaning to it, makes money feel hard, and makes it feel further away than it *actually* is!

And you know deep down, you’re meant to hit 6-figures. You’re designed for this career you love. You’re READY and WORTHY of the money you deserve and the work you do.

Working on your business, creating content, and selling your offers is NOT meant to feel like poking your eyeballs out and or waiting for that big win to hit.

Juggling family life and being a career woman is NOT meant to feel like time is slipping away from you, whilst you’re running on a treadmill of one to-do list to another.

  •  to step into The woman who trusts herself completely to make investment decisions, save her money, spend her money freely, and earn with ease – all in a never-ending flow of money that no longer feels strained, stretched, or anxiety-ridden.

  • She is leading life with God, She has a powerful backing on her side and so she trusts and moves with alignment in life and business. She feels deeply DEEPLY supported, surrendered and powerful to make powermoves which bring in £££££.

  • She uses her femininity to awaken herself spiritually, financially, to change the world and help others whether in her business creating ripples which raise the consciousness of others and provide lasting legacy driven impact. Or awaken her own closer ripple of her home to deeper connection, love, spirituality and legacy she leaves for her next generation.

And I’m here to show you -- IT’S MEANT TO BE EASY.

you get to have this too...

It's time...

And it's possible for my clients too....

One client was able to et go of decades of generational scarcity where she didn't believe she could really have 20k months and beyond

Another signed her first 4 figure client after letting of of the shame she felt in having more money than her family

Another went on to cut her workday in half and still make more than the previous month!

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That's why I created The Empowered woman program - where I support my clients from clearing deep generational money wounds to thriving and feeling safe with hitting 5 figure months

 Feel deeply at peace with money. Get to a space where you feel confident that money, where it keeps coming comes in and in and in - without pressure, pushing, hustling or anxiety.

Feel free to run your business and show up in your content and life as your truest self - be your true soul essence, to use your voice boldly and with confidence, loudly in a way where you felt safe to take up space, say what you want without fear of getting “canceled,” and let your spirituality, beliefs, and morals shine to attract ONLY the right people into your business and life.

No longer doubted if you were compromising your faith for financial success and ended the ‘icky’ energy around feeling guilt or greed for desiring more money because I know you’re destined by God to so you could do more good with the money you earn and feel whole and empowered doing so and change the world with your gifts

Experience a level of your deepest sacred femininity – that energy that oozes creativity for the juiciest offers and posts - that lights up the room with your radiance, magnetising your financial desires to you, shows you in your highest self-power to attract clients who see you as a leader, and have more free time to live your delicious life.

Inside this 10 week program I teach you how to 

God has written success for you in EVERY area of your life, not just one, so that you don’t feel like you have to sacrifice one area of your life – like your family, personal time, or business for another.

10- week immersive deeply healing and transformational program to finally cut the ties to financial scarcity, awaken to your God- given feminine magnetism and worthiness, and energetic mastery so you can magnetise multi-4-figure and 5-figure months in your business with less stress, overwhelm and more self belief and power.

The Empowered Woman program 

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I'm here to show you how...

You sense that things could be better, that nagging feeling that there is more to life than this, this feeling will go away as you step into the empowered woman you knew you were meant to be

it is for you if...

You are currently making at least 1k a month and desiring to step into multi 4 fig months

You’re ready to play bigger, cut the hiding, the small box syndrome and play full all out, your throat filly expressed in your life and business.

You want more than an OK life, you want an EPIC life that gives you daily, hourly 'omg is this my life' pinch me moments!

Its time to alchemise your shadows to your greatest light and radiance

what my clients say

“Listening to the one about speaking to your ideal client's unconscious mind 🔥🔥🔥I listened to it 4x already.”

Client H

“Jamila, I'm learning more in 5 min than I did in a £5k content program.”

Client N

“I took everything you told me in 5 min and just went CRAZY....{dms poppin off to join her program}”

Client Z

the empowered woman




Clearing Your Lineage




 ✅️ you'll learn how to feel safe dreaming bigger than you've ever dreamed, and ingrain the knowing that God has your back and deeply supports you on your deepest vision for abundance and this life.
✅️I'll walk you through tools to dig deep and declare what you TRULY desire and help you map out a plan to bring your deepest desires to reality.
✅️ You'll get my 2 step quantum leaping process that helps you bring your desired reality faster through a whole body experience. (My clients feel physically changes in their body after this and excited to welcome in their new normal)

(This is what I did to take myself to creating programs that hit 5 figure launches)

 ✅️ You'll learn how to clearing old outdated programming from your lineage that is not yours to carry through a powerful clearing process that will leave you feeling lighter, freer and more safe with money, being seen for your gifts and sharing them online and no longer spending hours on hours journaling on worthiness or limiting beliefs around success and money that weren’t even yours to begin with.

✅️You’ll learn how to differentiate what programming is yours and what is from your ancestors so you can free yourself from decades long hiding, fear of being cancelled that wasn’t even yours to begin with.

✅️You'll feel ready to take your business to the next level, add in thousands more to your income and not block yourself because you'll know exactly what limitations were coming from you and what you were carrying in your dna from your past ancestors

(This module alone had helped my clients fill out their launches, when before they couldn't.

It's led to MULTIPLE clients signing dream jobs and promotions)













✅️Align yourself deliciously to money, receiving, creating, holding and expanding money, through my guided prompts to your subconscious mind and a powerful exercise personifying money.

✅️Calling in money at ease will be your norm after this module. You will rewire your whole money paradigm to money feeling like a soft blanket on a winter's day, safe, secure and cosy.

✅️ Your hidden money blocks will show themselves to you as you go through my subconscious subliminal audio. Even if you've already hit 5 figure months, you'll find out what's preventing you from hitting multi 5 fig months

(Women who have been in many other money courses or teach about money themselves said this one 40 min module left them more open to recieveing money than any other program before)

✅️ A breakdown of how to unlocking your feminine energy through the body, the senses, activating your pleasure senses and becoming the magnetising being you are.

✅️ You'll learn my unique perspective on 4 levels or feminine energy and identify where you are and when you need to be to magnetise more money and clients in. This is where you will step deep into ease and flow in every area of your life, not just your business.

✅️You will realise you have more time than you know what to do with after this module through an active engagement of body sensations and tapping into the quantum field and a womb clearing meditation.

(Clients who TEACH feminine energy found this module opened their eyes to concepts they never knew and to deepen into using feminine energy in their business to make more money whilst working less)

✅️Integrating both your shadow (the parts you hide away from others, like deeper desire for fame or more money than you know what to do with) and light aspects (the aspects of others you desire for yourself, like having 6 figure months, radical boldness in messaging) will increase your magnetism exponentially. This is one of the fastest potent ways to timeline jump to your new reality

✅️ You will learn how to no longer carry parts of yourself you hide from others e.g. greed, being centre stage, your insecurity about your looks, you will unleash a whole new level of confidence that no normal journaling and inner work process can give you

(This is the module that virtually every client in TEW has used to ditch comparison with other coaches and alchemise it to their own personal power; they used this module to them go on and make MORE money)

✅️Release the belief from religious conditioning that had you growing up believing that it is Godly to be humble, poor, and to give everything you earn away.

✅️Learn the art of surrender and co creating your life with God. This supercharges your trust muscle and your desires manifesting 4 figure months and beyond.

✅️ You'll see exactly why and how your understanding of tawakkul or surrender is not as solid as you think and HOW to deepen it so you know how to allow God's help into your business.

(This module led me to creating an additional 5k revenue in my business in one month)

✅️Your desires are your soul’s GPS to the magnificent abundant life God has created for you. When you squelch or say no to them, you say no to God’s blessings. Here we will map out your desires that might feel too insane or big right now but are nothing for God through my signature desire mapping process so you can tangible feel your desires closer in your 3D reality than you think.

(This module has allowed my clients to stay in the quantum field, to believe and HAVE a successful business, home, luxury holidays and more)




✅️You will be taken through my proven somatic process to remove guilt and shame so that you can feel safe and confident to charge what you desire for your service, ask for more, play with more money and feel financially safe in hitting high 4 figure months.

✅️You will release guilt and shame not just in your business, but other areas in your life so you can feel secure, confident and self assured in who you are inside and outside of your business and speak your mind freely

This is what client M did to make her money back in TEW in 1 week!







✅️You will master your emotions so they don’t run you, your life or your business.

 ✅️Learn the art of staying emotionally present, ditch drama cycles and process your feminine emotions in a healthy way that energises you rather than depletes you.

✅️You will ditch the overwhelm and anxiety that comes up during launch phases or when leads ghost you or the out of breath feeling towards the end of the month when you haven't hit your launch goals.

(This helped my client N ditch the drama cycles that were showing up in ghosting her business and start being really consistent)




✅️Your energy is your biggest currency. Mastering your energy means knowing exactly how to transform any conversation, any sale, any content, any launch to what you desire. You will become the alchemical queen to create your desires on 4 figure months repeatedly by learning how to hold deep energetic stability in yourself and hold the energy of a room to make sales have a successful launch.

(This is what I use DAILY to never allow any emotion, person, situation to sway me from my power and ability to move in my business)

Jamila Tailor

welcome to the empowered woman with 


 BONUS #1: 2 x 1.1 call with Jamila.
CALL 1: This is a deep dive call with personalised, somatic mindset reprogramming call during your time in TEW to work on clearing any lingering beliefs around calling in multi high 4 figures in your business and get strategic support.

Valued £1000

Valued £897

BONUS #2: 
CALL 2:  Together, we’ll go over your finances, find wiggle room for abundance RIGHT NOW, and reprogram your beliefs around saving, spending, and HOLDING more money so that your capacity expands to feel safe with the natural flow of cash in your bank account

THE 5 EFT (emotional freedom technique) tapping sequences that my clients LOVE and use frequently, including EFT sequences on clearing resentment, having sassy bold confidence, and clearing overwhelm

Valued £897

Valued £897


The Ultimate SAVAGE embodiment  8 min audio which will instantly put you in the magnetic state to call in money beyond what you're bank account is used to seeing

Valued £2000

where you’ll interact with like-minded course business baddies, form sacred community. celebrate, and receive virtual high-fives and encouragement every step of the way

Valued £897


3 of my past clients manifested their dream jobs and significant thousands in pay increase from this alone.

Valued £459

Total value £15,597

payment plan

payment plan also available

i'm ready

your price: £1800

3 monthly payments of £610

Zainab binged my youtube channel, thirsty for more and joined Container Expansion, then TEW

She had a 300% growth in her audience🤩

She talks about how staying in 'waiting energy' was killing her manifestation game and quantum leaps

What changed the moment she said yes to buying MULTIPLE of my courses and how she made her money back fast"

"TEW is like a soul pHD"

"Your work is for every woman"


Mbali binged my youtube channel, thirsty for more and joined TEW, she manifested more money instantly and had deeper connection with her family members.

"Jamila you scammed us, you said 8 modules and gave us sooooo much more"

"TEW is like a soul pHD"

"Your work is for every woman"


Madiha felt the intuitive nudge but didn't listen for so long until finally she went through with it.

"I made the money back within a few weeks"

"I got more clients and my current clients paid me earlieR"

"I thought I had done inner work, but this was next level"


Amani felt she finally reconciled her relationship to her mother and could tell her anything

"The emotional mastery module left me more surprised than ever"

"I let go of so much I was holding onto"

"Now I can talk to my mum about relationships, dreams, desires ...anything!"


Shannon watched 1 youtube video and decided to join the next day.

"I had so many of my desires come to me in the 10 weeks"

"I got so clear about my money beliefs and attracting money"

"Even if you feel fear, join, your life won't be the same"


Rizana joined TEW just when it had already started and felt the pull the join.

"I knew I had to come back in Jamila's world and this was the way for me to do that"

"The 1.1 attention you give to all of us is so unique, I have never felt it before"

"The sisterhood in this container is nothing like any other  program I've been in"


what my clients say

"I wanted a coach whose base for everything is our religion, Islam. And who is able to help me to find my purpose as detect and remove the obstacles in a very efficient way. I just feel a strong connection to her, love you Jamila."

Client J

"I let go of so many money blocks, I was charging $200 and went to charge $1800 and sold so many spots. I didn't know my scarcity from my dad was holding me back for so long."

Client K

"Jamila has a great vibe, I love that in a coach and she is truly soooo good at what she does."

Client N

what my clients say

Can you remind me what I’m getting when I enroll TODAY?

OH! You've probably heard that a thousand times. And you've tried it! I understand the hesitation for sure! What if you actually knew when to lean back and when to go forward and take action? What if you could create a delicate balance where your desires are chasing you AND you feel good chasing them! Wouldn't that feel so much more fun and empowering to manifest money!? THAT is what this program is ALL about.

Amazing! And it also means there is so much confusion and while these topics may be commonly taught, there are very few people who have FULL no embodiment internally or somatically of the concepts. TEW takes you through my unique frameworks that are is not found elsewhere and is designed to fast tracks your growth and expansion around feeling safe with money.

✅ Of course 🙂
When you enrol today during this special PROMOTIONAL PERIOD, you’ll get access to:
✅ The FULL 10 MODULES, every tool you need to bust a fear, connect with your desire and tap into your creatrix womb energy
 ✅ BONUS #1: & #2: 2 x 1.1 call with Jamila.
CALL 1: This is a deep dive call with personalised, somatic mindset reprogramming call during your time in TEW to work on clearing any lingering beliefs around calling in multi high 4 figures in your business and get strategic support.

✅ CALL 2: Together, we’ll go over your finances, find wiggle room for abundance RIGHT NOW, and reprogram your beliefs around saving, spending, and HOLDING more money so that your capacity expands to feel safe with the natural flow of cash in your bank account

THE 5 EFT (emotional freedom technique) tapping sequences that my clients LOVE and use frequently, including EFT sequences on clearing resentment, having sassy bold confidence, and clearing overwhelm


The Ultimate SAVAGE embodiment 8 min audio which will instantly put you in the magnetic state to call in money beyond what you're bank account is used to seeing


3 of my past clients manifested their dream jobs and significant thousands in pay increase from this alone.

where you’ll interact with like-minded course business baddies, form sacred community. celebrate, and receive virtual high-fives and encouragement every step of the way


There 100s of resources online that talks about feminine energy and magnetism, why should i join this one?

I'm so confident on how good this is, you wouldn't want a refund! Due to the nature of the program, there will be strictly no refunds.

Are there any refunds?


I’m all about cutting the fluff and going straight to the meat. I’m not going to be producing hour long modules where there's only 10 mins of actual juicy content. The prerecorded modules will be a max of 45 mins long. All on a unique private playlist that you don't even have to log in for!
Plug in- get what you need - plug out!

Where will I find the time? I’m so busy as an entrepreneur 😓

Having a business is not necessary at all to manifest more money into your life – there is the lottery, inheritances, lawsuits, gifts from family/friends, your partner, new business opportunities, speaking opps– and many other sources of money you might not expect flowing into your life. 

Manifesting money and, clearing money wounds, and eliminating other scarcity blocks is so helpful as a business owner, but it also applies to every single woman who has been brought up in a capitalistic society (hint: that’s you!), whether you work in corporate, are a stay at home mom, or run a business. Money wounds don’t discriminate! has nothing to do with your business. Your A business or your corporate job is just ONE avenue God can bring abundance to you from. – and I’m helping you open up to all the OTHER ways you could be magnetizing income to your family without the hustle. Besides, the The program is designed to help you magnetise ANY desire of yours and I’ve seen past clients even manifest a change in relationship dynamics, get promotions, manifest holidays and more.

Is this a program for me if I don’t have a business or even want one?

Yes, Jamila offers payments plans, please reach out directly on Instagram @the.abundance.factor
or email

Is there a payment plan?


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