1.1 Rose Quartz is the place where we dive deep into intuitive strategy, customised support and working through energetic and mindset blocks to specifically manifest 1-3 things of your choice.

We will dedicate the full 3 months to eliminate an resistance, blocks, fears and sabotage that is holding you back from manifesting a specific goal in your business or life. 

I have helped my clients to:
  • Achieve thier first 5k- 10k cash month
  • Integrate and normalise 10k+ months in their business
  • Release the pressure energy in life and business and seriously fall in love with life again
  •  Release life long triggers on family, relationships, and become the queen of your own energy and become untrigger-able in less than 2 months
  • Dissolve icky uncomfortable dynamics in relationships, with money and boundaries.
  • Manifest a partner and getting engaged in 3 months

What if next month was your highest cash month and you actually worked less?

What if you made some small energetics shifts in your nervous system and could hold more money than you ever have before?


All in 1.1 

The highest level of proximity and support I offer, hands on inside your business and life and deepest customisation for you


My 1.1 Rose Quartz 🌹 is the closest proximity space for me to get eyes in your business and life.

It's designed for you to hit 5k to 10k+ months by focussing deep on your subconscious sabotaging tendencies that are keeping you from actually making all the strategy you are doing working.

My clients regularly tell me it is a luxury to work with me 1.1, they feel deeply seen and supported and held in ways they have bever been with other 1.1 coaches in the past.

This is what I did to scale my business and so have my clients…

-My client S went from $200 sessions to selling 10 spots in her $1200 program
-My client R had a £20k month with an audience size of less than 500 when she raised her prices
-My client N who was nervous about selling another program and sold 6 spots at £8k each.

Welcome to Your Sanctuary of Energetics, MINDSET & INTUITIVE STRATEGY

1.1 Rose Quartz is for you if
you want:

🙌 my eyes in your business, intuitive strategic support, I can see things that you've never seen before, break apart the rules you've thought you had to follow before

For example, my clients have gone from 20k months to 30k months with one tweak in their business

They've gone from spending hours in client support messages in slack to only a few hours a week

They've gone from attracting clients who weren't getting results in their programs to ones who show up and do the work and get incredible testimonials

🙌 Personalised modality work NLP, Somatic, hypnotherapy, and energetic work using my own creative methods

This is unlike you've ever seen before working with mindset coaches.

Even if you feel like your mindset is Michael Jordan A game on point, you'll find working with me gets you more time back to spending with your family and hobbies, business feels lighter and less effortful and you feel confident enough to smash income goals you never allowed yourself to dream before. (Hint: that multi 5 figure month is closer than you think)

For example, my clients have cleared beliefs on going viral, on family finding out about their business, on imposter syndrome even as a 6 figure earner …

And then gone on to have their highest cash months

🙌 daily access with me in depth personalised support for navigating situations, energetic leaks and launching and anything else that comes up for you in VOXER

This is where we brainstorm creative ideas, make your content stand out from the crowd of coaches and where you can have me in your back pocket any time a doubt spiral or overwhelming tornado comes up

I want you to succeed, I'm invested as if I'm running your business with you so I'll be checking in asking questions, really getting to the nitty gritty of how we can make you hit your financial goals and have more space in your day and feel alive through your business.

Mon-Fri Voxer with in depth support on intuitive strategy, mindset, brainstorming and guidance on holding the beliefs and energy required to sustain higher cash months without efforting more.

1.1 Rose Quartz 🌹 is valued at £15,000

Here's what's included in your £4,500 rate for 3 months:

THE reason my my clients join my 1.1- my unique Eagle eye perspective on their business that collapses time and effort for them to get their desired results. These small shifts and tweaks my clients make in their messaging, branding, copy or promotion events is what shifts the trajectory for them. This is ONLY available in my 1.1 spaces. This is why my clients who work with me 1.1 are pioneering the industry in their spaces, why they constantly get DMs saying there is seriously no one like them and people queuing up to work with them.

Access to EVERY live program running during our time together. This includes The Empowered Woman (valued £1800)
You'll also have access to 5 min content machine (valued £1500)
And any other program I launch during that time…(These would probably cost you more than the cost of 1.1 if you purchased separately)

3 x 1.1 calls per month to go deeper into modality work, clear old beliefs and programming on working harder, fear of being seen, being cancelled, launch stability and more.

1.1 Rose Quartz 🌹 is for you if you are:

Ready to ditch the overwhelm, hustle and working harder trying multiple strategies to find THE one that is perfectly aligned for you 

 Want deep Mindset and energetic support to scale to higher cash months without necessarily adding more to your calendar and burning yourself out or trying to be visible on every platform

Desire to crack open to more money thank you have ever received before and sustain it and make it a regular monthly occurrence in your reality


1. 1 Rose Quartz

Sign  me up

Its time to crack open to money flow, ease and true delicious fun in your life & business

what my clients say

“Listening to the one about speaking to your ideal client's unconscious mind 🔥🔥🔥I listened to it 4x already.”

Client H

“Jamila, I'm learning more in 5 min than I did in a £5k content program.”

Client N

“I took everything you told me in 5 min and just went CRAZY....{dms poppin off to join her program}”

Client Z

It's for the woman who...

My 1.1 Rose Quartz 🌹 is for the woman who doesn't just want a mentor or coach, she wants someone BESIDE her supporting her in creating very vision

  • who understands mindset is the foundation and stability to implement strategy effectively
  • It's for the woman who isn't afraid to sell and sell everyday
  • It's for the woman who is willing to get creative, detach from results and wants a business that is sustainable for long term growth

Are you the type of woman who is ready to create her 6 figure+ business this year?

Welcome to the kind of 1.1 exquisite support you have never experienced before.

Buy straight of this page if you're 100% in and a new driven, committed and empowered client in my world , or DM me/email me to ask anything to find out how it support YOU in creating a 6 figure + business this year.

Total value £15,000

payment plan

payment plan also available

i'm ready

your price: 6000 gbp

Message me to split the payment into multiple payments

Hit $20k months in their business

Released years of sexual shame in just 2 sessions

Increased their prices to high 4 figures and sold

Sold out programs after months of not selling

Released generational scarcity blocks and outearned family

Let go of life long stutters and giving class filled presentations

Expansion & Energetics Coach

I'm Jamila

read my story


I’ve helped hundreds of women reclaim their God given confidence, voice and magnetism to attract money, clients and success in every area of their life.

My clients have:

what my clients say

"I wanted a coach whose base for everything is our religion, Islam. And who is able to help me to find my purpose as detect and remove the obstacles in a very efficient way. I just feel a strong connection to her, love you Jamila."

Client J

"I let go of so many money blocks, I was charging $200 and went to charge $1800 and sold so many spots. I didn't know my scarcity from my dad was holding me back for so long."

Client K

"Jamila has a great vibe, I love that in a coach and she is truly soooo good at what she does."

Client N

what my clients say

What can I expect after I pay?

Firstly, did you read the 'this is perfect for you if’ section. Also, I’m a no fluff, give it to you straight kinda person. I don’t like sugar coating and I love exploring blind spots. So ask yourself, will you show up fully for the full 3 months? Will you give it your all? Will you do all the homework?

If you already read up to here, yes, you're a good fit.

If you’re new to your business, don’t have an offer, niche or haven’t made much money in your business, you will 100% get value from 1.1  but you might not scale to high 4 figures immediately. Being fully transparent and realistic here.

Be the empowered buyer you want your clients to be and show up and implement and create results.
All of my offers are unique and they all focus on different things, some programs are best taken after others but they all can act in standalone ways and you will still get great benefit from them.
If you’re still unsure which program to go with first based on your business situation, send me an email or DM and I’ll elt you know honestly which I think is the best fit for you.

Once paid, you will receive an email from telling you how to access to the program and book your 1.1 call

How do I know if I’m a good fit?

Nope, due to the nature of the program, there will be strictly no refunds.

Are there any refunds?


Your 1.1 access will begin once your payment has been made. 

When does the program start?

Yes, Jamila offers payments plans, the payment plan for 1.1 Rose Quartz, you can message her privately for options. Note: you will not access your 1.1 call until the payment plan is complete.

Is there a payment plan?


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