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All media and speaking requests and questions about working with Jamila can be filled out here.

Jamila will reply within 48 hours!

Rose Quartz

I am extremely efficient at spotting people’s blind spots, most of my clients have massive realisations after just one session which rapidly affects how they show up in life and business.


Clear energetic blocks related to playing small, upper limit, money, shadow wounds, expansion

Strategic intuitive support on what will support you in your business in the path of least resistance and ease

apply here

Program & courses

quantum leap to your next level

What if you made some small energetics shifts in your nervous system and could hold more money than you ever have before and call in Black Friday excitement that had your offer flying off the shelves?

enrolling now!

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Write content that stands out and sells out in 5 mins or less, Make content so deliciously easy it gives you the satisfying feeling of licking the chocolate off the spoon.

I Need this


Recognise, release your money blocks and shift your relationship with money. A signature course that women revisit over and over again. For any woman who wants to increase her ability to attract money.

yes, please


Get paid for unique gifts, banish the mindset blocks stopping you from selling and be a match for getting paid what you really desire.

i want this

This is for you if you love the intimacy of 1.1 calls and want time to integrate with me and ask questions in Voxer after our calls.

Work with me privately inside the voice/message Voxer app for 2 week straight. Succinct, direct, to the point transmissions and riffs tailor made and customised for you and your specific situation in life or business.

Past clients have been blown away with just 1 voice message that they swear has changed their life.
After 1 call, they have let go of decades of conditioning keeping them stuck.

This is perfect for you if you want deeper 1.1 sessions and powerful clearing for 2 weeks straight and prefer quickfire access in between.





Work with me privately inside the voice/message Voxer app. for 4 week straight. Succinct, direct, to the point transmissions and riffs tailor made and customised for you and your specific situation in life or business.

Past clients have been blown away with just 1 voice message that they swear has changed their life.

This is perfect for you if you want my intuitive input for 4 weeks straight and prefer quick fire access and don’t want long calls.

I WANT this

I WANT this





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