Imagine if you could get clients whipping out their credit cards, buying nearly every single one of your offers?

What if you could hit high 4 fig months without needing to work harder?

What if you made some small energetics shifts in your nervous system and could hold more money than you ever have before and call in Black Friday excitement that had your offer flying off the shelves?

will you let high 9k, 10k and 11k months be the norm WITHOUT adding more time to your workday?

I’m taking you through the ins and outs of raising your prices and calling in aligned ready to buy clients purely with energetics and mindset.

This is what I did to scale my business to multiple 5 figure months all whilst working only a few hours a day. 

I worked on the energetics of receiving clients, which I teach in Luxe, anchored into the energetic value of my work, not just pricing value and also cleaned up any distortions in my energy such as competition, lack, not enoughness.

 My clients have:

-My client S went from $200 sessions to selling 10 spots in her $1200 program
-My client R had a £20k month with an audience size of less than 500 when she raised her prices
-My client N who was nervous about selling another program and sold 6 spots at £8k each.

Welcome to Your Sanctuary of Energetics of Money and Pricing.

Hey Sis,

I went from selling a £700 package to selling £1200 a few weeks later and then another £1200, then £2200 from someone watching 1 live of mine and sending me a DM straight after.

I got tired of all the fluffy strategies that got me nowhere. Or got me making some money in my business but nowhere near what my true desires were.

So I started creating my own intuitive strategies which felt light, playful, fun and mostly took less than 2 hours a day to execute.

I focussed heavily on energetics, my nervous system and my container (energetic bandwidth of what you’re able to receive, before you self sabotage or go into freeze mode)

And guess what happened?

I knew that there was more to business than following a cookie cutter strategy.

And every time I focussed on energetics, not only did I get more time back, I quickly made more without having to do more.

And now its your turn….

I don’t care how many times you might have been told to just pick a high ticket price. You can’t just pluck it out of thin air.

There is a pricing strategy that I teach my clients that combines the intricacies of their nervous system so they can actually hold that number and call it in easily.

And no, slapping a high ticket price on your offer isn’t enough for it to sell.

Your container and energetic bandwidth is so unique and personal and is also linked to your generational money patterns

There are deep PERSONAL energetics around:

What you consider high ticket and what your audience will consider high ticket based on your energetics

Your body language, tonality, shifts in how you do your stories and create content based on what you believe about your prices (this is so subtle most coaches don’t even notice this)

The shadows around your pricing that are actually blocking clients who WANT to work with you, hit the buy button and how to solve them


Luxe Pricing

I'm ready to raise my rates

You already have made money in your business and you desire now to scale to higher cash months 

You have done some inner work on money blocks already and are still feeling blocked around believing you can charge higher and clients paying at that new price

The program is the PERFECT fit for you if you have incredible client results, know how to attract clients at your current rates but you want to uplevel into your next edge in attracting premium higher ticket clients who have no objections.

it is for you if...

You consistently find yourself sabotaging, doubting or feeling like an imposter when it comes to wanting to raise your prices, but you SO know that wanting to raise your prices is your ticket to your 6 figure business.

You desire to raise your prices for your programs to £1.5k+ (no limit to how high) and you already have a validated business that is already bringing in multiple clients.

You have your business foundations set up and are/or have worked with a business coach previously.

You haven’t dealt with basic money blocks or you don’t even know what a money block is.
(please look at The Money Bundle program)

it is NOT for you if...

You don’t know what your offer or niche is or do not have experience selling your offers (even if it was just one sale)

You are struggling to make ANY sale in your business right now (please look at 5 min content machine or The Money Bundle for that)

You struggle to create content or connect with your audience regularly (at least 4 x a week) (please look at 5 min content machine)

it's time to create a solid energetic container to receive wild wealth

what my clients say

“the energetic modules-I'm feeling such a huge shift in my body, open and receptive to receiving my 10x ideal client.”

Client H

“This has already helped me raise my prices and I feel confident selling my offer for 10k”

Client J

“Going through Luxe, I have more than tripled my prices”

Client Z

Luxe Pricing




you'll learn

  • You’ll learn how to shift current pricing mindset and energetics where you’re stalemating at a certain income to only calling in people who CAN afford your services and are craving to work with you

  • You’ll learn my *secret* way on how to have the capacity to add unlimited numbers of clients without your nervous system burning out, burning out and doing it in a delicious way where you have MORE time than you have before.

  • You’ll be guided through my powerful COSMIC CLIENT CONNECTION process; you’ll be guided to connect with your clients in the 5D before they appear in your DMs and emails asking to work with you, which my clients and I have used regularly to call in high ticket clients from what seems like ‘out of the blue’ and the moment they pay, you get a DM saying ‘I just knew I had to work with you!’

  • You’ll uncover your own pricing and money shadows that uncover the deeper reason you’re blocking 5 figure months, because you’re afraid of growing too big, getting too famous, your family/friends finding you online, paying more taxes; all of these are are blocking high ticket clients finding you and paying immediately. You’ll learn how to transmute those shadows so your no longer carrying that old baggage unconsciously and your energy is crystal clear for your clients to find you and pay you!

  • Energetic practices and tools; like EFT tapping sequences to maintain 5 figure month energy in your nervous system, a fear clearing process that removes fears like ‘will my launch sell out? Will people buy at this price’ in 5 mins or less. All of these put you in the most magnetising state to be a match for those high 4 fig months on repeat.

Pricing Attunement call



The Ultimate femme SAVAGE embodiment 20 min hypnosis  track which will instantly put you in the magnetising state to attract ready to buy clients

Valued £497

In this Pricing attunement call, we will uncover your signature pricing that your nervous system has the capacity to increase to now in the shortest time and hold the exact amount you’re body is able to receive without working more/doing more/overthinking.

This is something normally my 1.1 clients who pay £4500 have access to.

Valued £888

Total value £5,597

payment plan

payment plan also available

i'm ready for high ticket sales!

vip bundle

Purchase VIP tier to get 2 x additional 1.1. calls with Jamila and 2 weeks voxer

Call 1: 5 fig launch energetics and stability to hold a big launch, personalised 1.1 support on mindset around hitting your big launch numbers, sign ups and creating profound possibility in earning more

Call 2: Stacking money energetics, creating deep foundations for clients to pay you in multiple ways, intuitive strategic support and action plan

i wanna be vip

your price: £1400


2 monthly payments of £700

Hit $20k months in their business

Released years of sexual shame in just 2 sessions

Increased their prices to high 4 figures and sold

Sold out programs after months of not selling

Released generational scarcity blocks and outearned family

Let go of life long stutters and giving class filled presentations

Expansion & Energetics Coach

I'm Jamila

read my story


I’ve helped hundreds of women reclaim their God given confidence, voice and magnetism to attract money, clients and success in every area of their life.

My clients have:

what my clients say

What can I expect after I pay?

Firstly, did you read the 'this is perfect for you if’ section. Also, I’m a no fluff, give it to you straight kinda person. I don’t like sugar coating and I love exploring blind spots. So ask yourself, will you show up fully for the 5 weeks? Will you give it your all? Will you do all the homework?

If you already read up to here, yes, you're a good fit.

If you’re new to your business, don’t have an offer, niche or haven’t made much money in your business, you will 100% get value from this program on money energetics but you might not scale to high 4 figures immediately. Being fully transparent and realistic here.

Be the empowered buyer you want your clients to be and show up and implement and create results.
All of my offers are unique and they all focus on different things, some programs are best taken after others but they all can act in standalone ways and you will still get great benefit from them.
If you’re still unsure which program to go with first based on your business situation, send me an email or DM and I’ll elt you know honestly which I think is the best fit for you.

Once paid, you will receive an email from telling you how to access to the program and book your 1.1 call

How do I know if I’m a good fit?

Nope, due to the nature of the program, there will be strictly no refunds.

Are there any refunds?


The program is 5 weeks. There is no group support but you have access to 2 x 1.1 calls with Jamila to get in depth Mindset and Energetic support in attracting empowered buyers and receiving larger amounts of sales.

Is there group support?

This program is immediate access after purchasing.
You'll be able to dive into the modules as soon as your purchase is confirmed.

When does the program start?

Yes, Jamila offers payments plans, the payment plan for Luxe Pricing is here. Note: you will not access your 1.1 call until the payment plan is complete.

Is there a payment plan?


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