work with me

YOU were born to have it all

You know you would love to have a successful business that makes multi 6 figs AND have a life you genuinely fall in love with AND deep connection with your faith

You know God wants more for you, don’t you?

Rose Quartz

I am extremely efficient at spotting people’s blind spots, most of my clients have massive realisations after just one session which rapidly affects how they show up in life and business.


Clear energetic blocks related to playing small, upper limit, money, shadow wounds, expansion

Strategic intuitive support on what will support you in your business in the path of least resistance and ease

apply here

Program & courses

quantum leap to your next level

For the woman who uses her femininity to awaken herself spiritually, financially, to change the world and help others whether in her business creating ripples which raise the consciousness of others and provide lasting legacy driven impact.

My signature program which has had women enrol over and over again because of the deep activations and potent transformations

enrolling now!


What if you made some small energetics shifts in your nervous system and could hold more money than you ever have before and call in Black Friday excitement that had your offer flying off the shelves?

enrolling now!

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Write content that stands out and sells out in 5 mins or less, Make content so deliciously easy it gives you the satisfying feeling of licking the chocolate off the spoon.

I Need this


Recognise, release your money blocks and shift your relationship with money. A signature course that women revisit over and over again. For any woman who wants to increase her ability to attract money.

yes, please


Get paid for unique gifts, banish the mindset blocks stopping you from selling and be a match for getting paid what you really desire.

i want this

10 days of short fun, powerful exercises to play with money attraction and being a vibe and match with money


2 part audio on specific practices, tools to protect your energy online and offline
Never taught in other programs or courses
Never feel drained or tired again.
Never feel depleted after client calls and regain your energy back
Say goodbye to energy vampires in your life.

OMG This is for me!


🤌 Truthful, no-nonsense money work: You’ll uncover the deepest reasons why your income hasn’t yet grown to the level you desire. We’ll pull back the curtain on the blind spots keeping you stuck.

🤌 Next-level money safety, attraction, and flow: Grow into a new identity with money where attracting and holding more wealth feels safe and natural.

🤌 Seven days of powerful activation: In just 7 days, you’ll shift your mindset, elevate your relationship with money, and open yourself to greater levels of receiving, circulation, and financial flow.

I’m a Life and Business Activator who helps women unlock their next level through deep energetics and subconscious generational clearing.

I believe women are destined to have it all, the romance, the successful multi 6 fig business, the yummy family and all the holidays they dream of.


I'm Jamila

read my story

Sign up to get access to this Potent Meditation!

Ready to feel the energy of money & attract money with ease


Help to tap into abundance DAILY so you can start attracting from effortless ease

Forgive anyone and anything that is stopping money flowing to you 10x the amount it is now

Feel the energy of money and having more than you know what to do with

Help to tap into abundance DAILY so you can start attracting from effortless ease
Forgive anyone and anything that is stopping money flowing to you 10x the amount it is now
Feel the energy of money and having more than you know what to do with


Calling all women desiring more money in their bank accounts





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